The Sewing Room 


Together we weave a connective Cummunity and a new way of relating.  

The Sewing Room symbolizes our interconnectedness within the tapestry of life. 

The offerings shared here are from Cummunity Supporters. When you support the Cummunity Supporters, it enables the Cummunity participants to continue offering their support. It is our initial version of being in right relationship with nature and honoring a nature based reciprocal economy. 

The Church of Pleasure does not accept donations. 

The Church is fully funded by the Cummunity of Liberationists. The links below will take you to the websites of each offering. 

My New Sewing Room - Inspirational Poem

The fabric of our lives is fashioned by the American Dream 

The threads woven into our current reality chosen to match the tapestry of the patriarchy. 

Notions becoming beliefs and law.

Embedded into the fibers are the four winds of human destruction 

greed hubris hate and lust.

The lining of our society reducing women to an object to sell their commodity and when we rebel we are called the oddity. 

Breasts for view and to sell 

but when they feed and nourish

the masses yell,

"Oh Lord this country has gone to hell."

Embroidered into our hearts and minds the messages of division, delusion, and destruction keeping us irate and perpetuating hate.


Stitched into our consciousness is our privilege  and justification of judgement 

our hubris a straight stitch so we keep each other in line as one great nation.

Sewn into the seams of our being are the seeds of greed 

planted by a a force beyond our control. Inflated egos on the assembly line of mass production.

The pattern cut out for us; 

just a reproduction.

A new car every year to go along with that house and white picket fence -

constant consumers in a world of planned obsolescence.

Losing reverence 

for the work it takes to fill our lives with our gadgets and more stuffs.


who made it? 

What is the real cost?

 How does it get to us?

 Never thinking about the consequence of our actions. Trained consumers, a well conditioned corporate faction. 

All this stuff to fill the well of Self as we sell our souls

 Quietly we rot in cells that are aptly called cubicles.

Everyday we die a little inside as we grind out TPS reports in our Office space 

to  buy us face 

with friends and family and within this human race.

We get in line, start the game, run at their pace, the corporate carrot is what we constantly chase.

 And why? 

Because we are them and they are we

All is Merely a reflection of you, of me.  

A mirror reflecting our reality.

The same pattern, clear and in view, 

nothing changed, nothing new.

Hanging on the hem of life 

bound like binding -

just trying to make it through.

But we can break free of the rat race of the corporate patriarchal entity.

We can say it's bonds and shackles will no longer torment me.

 It begins in the mind, 

then with our money, our time,

then we use our words and voices  and then we're  free. 

Free of the pre-patterned reality "destined" for me

as seen on TV.

Sharp scissors cut through my personal reality

 layers of fabric removed.

I am now re-fashioned, re-woven, re-patterned, re-membered

a patchwork piece, if you will. 

 Returned to the pattern of my original Divinity,

the work laid out for me.

Woven with Love,

every stitch fashioned of compassion.


Free of the matrix mandala that keeps us looped up on fruit loops 

while our bobbins spin and spin. 

Would you care to step into my new sewing room? 

-The ClitOracle 2016


Trinity of Transformation

Offered by: The ClitOracle

The Trinity of Transformation is a body of Liberation Work rooted in Love that encompasses inner awareness and exploration as well as outer application that allows humans to connect deeply with their own system of natural organized intelligence, intuition, and empathy. It is an embodied Mind-Body-Spirit approach to navigating life as humans in a deeply oppressive society. The Trinity of Transformation goes beyond being a “Masterclass or Course”, it is a way of relating to oneself and the world in ways that are personally transformational and can lead to collective transformation in the ways humanity needs at this time. 

The Trinity of Transformation begins with a series of six videos. We take a deep dive into the foundational principles of the Liberation Work’s transformative power. We include powerful somatic exercises and education along with new perspectives on how to manage mental and emotional wellness, anxiety, stress, and interpersonal relationships.

We share about our foundational communication style, Conscious Communication as an effective way to manage internal and external dialogue. We teach about owning our personal power through creating new Social Agreements/Contracts with ourselves and each other. We empower you to begin a life of Intentional Investment through Conscious Choice and Conscious Divestment. We offer tools and resources for you to get started on your own Liberation Path.

Our video series allows you to find out if the Liberation Work is a fit for you and if you want to join the collection of Liberationists committed to the work of enacting change on all levels. 

To sign up for The Trinity of Transformation Liberation Work,

 click here.

Church Merch

Offered by: WanderLust FreeLance


Click here:


Empathic Listening Sessions

Offered by: WanderLust FreeLance

Need a listening ear that can just hold space without judgment for what you need to get out of your mind and body? Look no further than Empathic Listening. This is not therapy and we do not offer advice. We offer a safe, non-judgmental space for people to be heard. 

For more information or to sign up for a session, click here.

"Action is the key to transforming our world. 

We must move beyond talking and start doing." - BELL HOOKS

Liberationist in action we invite you to connect with:

Check Your Privilege & Heal your way forward 

myisha t hill

myisha t hill is a author, speaker, anti-racism educator, mental wellness advocate, and entrepreneur. myisha's book, Heal Your Way Forward, is a powerful work of Liberation and an important tool for those needing guidance in their decolonization process. Her focus on teaching humans how to root our internalized racism is important and poignant Liberation work. 

You can find her work here:

Another option to connect with her work is through her Check Your Privilege linktree:

Book: Heal Your Way Forward by misha t hill 

Rest is Resistance & The Nap Ministry 

Rev. Tricia Hersey

Rev. Tricia Hersey is a Performance Artist, Writer, Activist, Theologian, Daydream

Reverend Tricia Hersey's book, Rest is Resistance, is a powerful work of Liberation. Her reminder to rest during these times of oppression and suffering so that we can dream into existence a better world is foundational to the path of Liberation. It is only through rest that one can be able to show up to the Liberation Work. 

You can check out her work here:

Book: Rest is Resistance by Rev. Tricia Hersey

Pronoia the antidote to paranoia & visionary astrology

 Rob Brezsny

Rob Brezsny is a United Statesian born astrologer, author, and musician.

 Rob's book, Pronoia Is the Antidote to Paranoia, is a guiding force in the channeling process of Elder Liberationist The ClitOracle. You will find his work within The Church of Pleasure content. 

 Truth and beauty lab:


Book: Pronoia Is the Antidote to Paranoia by Rob Brezsny

We are the ones we've been waiting for. 

We can be the change we want to see in the world. 

Liberation is here. 

It has been built, will you cum?