We are living beyond our means. As a people we have developed a life-style that is draining the earth of its priceless and irreplaceable resources without regard for the future of our children and people all around the world. - MARGARET MEADE

Conscious Divestment

Conscious Divestment is the practice of mindful choices. Choosing to be aware of how our actions, large and small as well as individually and collectively, can and do uphold The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression.

We begin individually and internally with Conscious Divestment. We connect with and root out the ways we have internalized The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression. We remove violence from our internal and external relational behaviors and root our actions in Love. 

We also practice connecting with others in conscious containers that are not rooted in the Tools of Oppression, Money, Violence, and Shame. We develop the awareness and capacity that leads to the action of being fully present with and accountable for what we are choosing individually and collectively, thus becoming empowered to make conscious choices. 

We consciously move away from and divest from any choices that are not in alignment with life-affirming values. We then can create new social agreements/contracts to reflect our conscious choices and life and love-affirming values. 

As we intentionally move towards life-affirming choices we begin the process of Intentional Investment.

Intentional Investment

Intentional Investment is the commitment and practice of creating, supporting, and sustaining non-oppressive systems. We choose to commit to the work it takes to be intentional in thought and deed. We understand our individual and collective power when we choose awareness and intentionality as our guide. 

Through conscious action and awareness, we create and support social agreements/contracts that align with our values of Liberation, life, and Love. 

When practicing Intentional Investment we are aligned with principles of Love, compassion, sustainability, and empowerment.

Social Agreements/Contracts

Social agreements or social contracts, also known as social constructs, refer to the shared understandings, norms, and values that govern human interactions and shape our society and behavior in society. These agreements are often implicit and taken for granted, but they play a critical role in maintaining the status quo and oppressive systems in place. Social agreements/contracts are necessary to maintain a functioning and stable society, however, the ones we currently have in place harm humans and all of our natural world. 

The social constructs or social agreements/contracts we have in place are all rooted in The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression.

How do we go about changing our social agreements/contracts on a larger scale, when it seems an impossible task? 

We believe that it begins individually, then in small groups, and then can be implemented on a larger scale. We use Conscious Divestment and Intentional investment individually and collectively and allow our new ways of being within our new social agreements/contracts to expand further into our families, communities, and workplaces. 

The Trinity of Transformation is the beginning of the journey of Liberation and creating new social agreements/contracts that bring lasting personal and collective change. 

We are the ones we've been waiting for. 

We can be the change we want to see in the world. 

Liberation is here. 

It has been built, will you cum?