About Us

Our Mission and Values

We believe Liberation and Pleasure work should be rooted in Love and accessible to all. 

We believe education, cummunity, and collective action are the essential components to create and sustain lasting change within humanity. 

We believe that conscious divestment from current oppressive systems allows us to create new systems through intentional investment and new social agreements/contracts.  

We begin with ourselves and within The Church of Pleasure Cummunity. We believe in the interdependent web of life and practice Love and humanity within conscious and sacred containers. 

We as a collective are implementing new social agreements/contracts as a means of consciously divesting from The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression and intentionally investing with in is life-affirming and humane.  

We seek to have a global impact allowing for liberation for all of humanity and the natural world. 

We seek to achieve these goals through Love and the pleasure of connection and Cummunity, as well as dedication to our inner work and collective work. 

Trinity of Transformation

The Trinity of Transformation is a body of Liberation Work rooted in Love that encompasses inner awareness and exploration as well as outer application that allows humans to connect deeply with their own system of natural organized intelligence, intuition, and empathy. It is an embodied Mind-Body-Spirit approach to navigating life as humans in a deeply oppressive society. The Trinity of Transformation goes beyond being a “Masterclass or Course”, it is a way of relating to oneself and the world in ways that are personally transformational and can lead to collective transformation in the ways humanity needs at this time. 

The Trinity of Transformation begins with a series of six videos. We take a deep dive into the foundational principles of the Liberation Work’s transformative power. We include powerful somatic exercises and education along with new perspectives on how to manage mental and emotional wellness, anxiety, stress, and interpersonal relationships.

We share about our foundational communication style, Conscious Communication as an effective way to manage internal and external dialogue. We teach about owning our personal power through creating new Social Agreements/Contracts with ourselves and each other. We empower you to begin a life of Intentional Investment through Conscious Choice and Conscious Divestment. We offer tools and resources for you to get started on your own Liberation Path.

Our video series allows you to find out if the Liberation Work is a fit for you and if you want to join the collection of Liberationists committed to the work of enacting change on all levels. 

To sign up for The Trinity of Transformation Liberation Work, click here.

Liberation Manifesto

I. The Pleasure of Liberation

Liberation Work is centered around change. A change in how we perceive and understand the human experience.

Liberation Work is not confined to social or political realms; it can be found in every facet of our lives. It impacts our mind, body, and spirit.

Liberation Work is not confined to just one or two parts of our lives. It's a journey that extends into every aspect of our existence. It goes beyond political revolution or economic reform. It is about profound transformation. The transformation of our inner selves, our relationships, our communities, and our environment. Liberation work is holistic. It seeks to dismantle oppressive systems and beliefs in every corner of our lives, internal and external.

We must realize that we are not exempt from being the oppressor. The system we live in is carefully designed to set us up for failure. It forces us to oppress one another. As a result, we go against the very nature of our humanity. This oppression has been woven into the fabric of our shared reality. Each one of us is under oppression in some way. No one is exempt from the current system set in place.

Liberation Work aims to break away from The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression. These systems of oppression dictate our current social contracts and agreements. We instead focus on the creation of new social agreements and contracts. These allow us to thrive as nature intended. Our agreements are based on good relationships with each other and nature.

Liberation Work is necessary in a world where systems of oppression and social constructs have been ingrained. It emerges as a radical call for a profound transformation.

Pleasure is a vital component of Liberation Work. It's not just about freeing ourselves from oppressive systems but also embracing joy and fulfillment. Pleasure liberates us from the guilt and shame that often accompany natural-born desires and brings us in tune with our authentic selves. It is a way of celebrating life and reclaiming our right to happiness.

II. The Deconstruction of Social Constructs and Social Agreements

Liberation Work is necessary to change social constructs that perpetuate oppression.

We must break away from the systems that breed inequality, prejudice, and exploitation. The oppression we have been subjected to is not just part of our external reality. We have also internalized these systems.

We must be willing to root out all the ways we have internalized systems of oppression. In its place, we will create new social agreements/contracts. These agreements are made through engagement and relating. The process of deconstructing these systems is both internal and external.

These social constructs can be found in the forms of racism, sexism, classism, and more. Oppressive constructs are shackles that bind us to a world of suffering. They fuel our individual and collective suffering. Liberation work seeks to unshackle us from these burdens, ultimately setting us free. We want a new way of understanding, relating, and engaging with each other and the world around us.

We must recognize that shame, money, and violence are effective and destructive tools. They are used indiscriminately by oppressive systems to maintain deadly social contracts. We must reject these weapons of violence in order to establish new ways of relating to our world and with each other. 

Liberation Work is a collective effort.

III. Nature as Our Guide

The foundation of Liberation Work is based on the understanding that we are an intrinsic part of the natural world. We did not come into it, we are it. We are the embodiment of nature and the natural processes therewithin.

This realization breaks the illusion of separation from nature.

 In us, it fosters a profound awakening.

It compels us to recognize our environment and the fact that all living beings are interconnected.

Nature’s wisdom teaches us that there are many systems of oppression. These divisions and hierarchies are man-made constructs. They are social contracts and agreements that can be changed.

Liberation Work opens our eyes. It guides us to true freedom. That freedom transcends oppressive constructs. Once we are free, we can allow natural wisdom to guide us as humans. We then can be in right relationship with our internal world, our external world, and with all our relations.

Liberation work recognizes and affirms that we are not apart from nature; we are nature.

IV. Cummunity Support as the Bedrock

Liberation Work is a collective effort in cummunity. This cummunity support is not just beneficial; it's essential. Together, we become the scaffolding that builds the liberation process. In unity, we challenge oppressive systems and provide emotional sustenance. We create spaces where all voices are heard as we adopt and agree to new social contracts.

Cummunity support is the foundation upon which Liberation Work is built.

Through the adoption and implementation of new social contracts, we create safe containers for the Liberation work to occur. Our participation in community allows us to nurture and empower one another as we work on our individual and collective deconstruction work removing hierarchies of oppression and fostering a true collective effort.

We must embrace the truth that we are stronger together.

The Church of Pleasure provides sanctuary where individuals can heal, learn, and collectively dismantle oppressive structures. We create new social constructs rooted in Love.

V. Commitment to the Work

In order to commit to Liberation work, we must use the power of choice, curiosity, and openness.

We must stay steadfast to our values of humanity, rooting out the oppression using our minds, bodies, and spirits.

We must commit to leaning into the work instead of running away when the work feels hard and unbearable. We must commit to connecting with our community instead of suffering in isolation. We must commit to trusting the innate wisdom of our bodies, and our intuition.

We must commit to practicing humanity, being human once again. Instead of what the current systems have forced us to be; oppressed, and isolated machines.

VI. Reimagining Our World

Liberation work requires us to rest and reimagine what our intimate relationships with ourselves, others, and the world at large have the potential to become when we collectively opt out of current paradigms. 

We must envision a world free from the chains of oppression. A world free from injustice, inequality, and unsustainability. This freedom is not just an ideal, but a very possible lived collective reality. We must enact new social contracts and agreements that focus on the well-being of all. Recognizing that liberation is not a destination, but an ongoing journey.

Liberation Work goes far beyond the struggle for rights; it's a profound transformation of our very existence.

We recognize that we are one with nature. True liberation requires us to transcend current models, letting us build and strengthen new ones.

Many things are vital in the liberation journey. We look to cummunity cooperation. We also apply Conscious Divestment and Intentional Investment strategies. Using these tools will lead us to a world where freedom, justice, and harmony prevail.

Together, we will dismantle the oppressive systems that bind us. We will pave the way for a liberated, enlightened world.

The ClitOracle

To learn more about the founding Elder and Matriarch, The ClitOracle, click here.

"One of the most vital ways we sustain ourselves is by building communities of resistance, places where we know we are not alone." - BELL HOOKS