Obstacles & Paths to Liberation

What are our current obstacles and paths on our collective Liberation journey? 

The Church of Pleasure has identified systems of oppression and the tools employed to keep them in place. These systems not only oppress humans and harm humanity and the natural world at large, but they also cause us to all become oppressed oppressors, thus forcing us to enact oppression upon one another and ourselves. 

The only path to Liberation is recognizing and rooting out these systems of oppression and their deadly tools within ourselves and the relational containers of our lives. 

The Church of Pleasure offers a path to Liberation through Mind-Body-Spirit education and safe connective cummunity containers. 

Within the safety and support of cummunity we root out our internalized systems of oppression and practice together how to create new ways of relating and being with one another. 

Our Trinity of Transformation Liberation Work and Cummunity Education include learning about Conscious Divestment and Intentional Investment using new Social Contracts/Agreements to cum together and create a new paradigm for existing as humans in ways that center Love and peace and are life-affirming for all beings. 

What are the 7 Deadly Systems of Oppression?

These are a collection of systems that uphold violence and require that all humans dehumanize themselves to become oppressed oppressors and go against their human nature which is protecting life and love.

These are systems that trap us in loops of shame. Binding us to a life of suffering.  They keep us from our sovereignty, joy, and pleasure. They have effectively convinced us we are powerless against them.  

They all work together to project the image of this abstract machine of death that we can never change. 

Until now. 

Now we can see them for what they are. 

They are merely social agreements. 

And we have decided to unsubscribe. 

Each of the systems listed below have been identified as systems of oppression. Click on the down arrow to the right  to expand the content on each system. 


Our educational system is one of our foundational systems of oppression. Established within the system of patriarchy and historically noted in ancient Greece, China, and Egypt, our educational systems are ones built on and upheld by oppression. 

Our educational system features gatekeeping methodologies that perpetuate shame, violence, and suffering. These issues undermine its effectiveness and exacerbate inequality. 

In tandem with the economic system of oppression, the educational system serves to indoctrinate and mentally suppress humanity and the human spirit. Lack of education is a global issue. Even in countries with access to "quality education" those systems are rife with the oppressive perspectives of patriarchal systems. 

Education has been a realm of haves and have-nots for much of recorded human history. It is a clear marker of affluence and wealth. Current models afford credence to those who hold degrees and may be book-smart but have no real experience or even interest in the material at hand. Education is a tool for shame in the worst of ways as it causes humans to embody competitive energies, strive towards unattainable perfection, internalize failure, and limit their capacity to adapt and evolve.  

Education should be a support system for humans' natural-born curiosity and insatiable need for learning and sharing new information. 

For more information about the oppressive nature of the educational system, click here.


Our economic system is one of our foundational systems of oppression. Money, the symbolic representation of what is exchanged for goods, has become an effective tool for terror and oppression. 

The current global economic model, characterized by free markets, international trade, and globalization, has its roots in the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and early 19th century. During this period of economic shift in social agreements/contracts, the foundational systems of oppression of education, politics, racism, and patriarchy had a powerful and oppressive hand in shaping our economic systems. 

The sad reality is that the economic system in place globally is a system that upholds and perpetuates inequality, suffering, and death.

The systems in place contribute to limiting opportunities for upward mobility and trapping many, often our most vulnerable in society, in cycles of suffering, scarcity, and poverty. 

Globally, we are awakening to the facade of “The American Dream’, and we realize it is just another scheme. 

Our current oppressive economic system has many devastating consequences. 

Economic inequality and insecurity cause stress and take a toll on mental health, physical health, and overall well-being. 

Our economic systems are intertwined with other systems of oppression. These systems combined require and enforce dehumanization and cognitive dissonance. 

Our economic system has been built on and favors humans based on an outdated and harmful social agreement/contract of racism. Occupational segregation, discrimination in hiring, and exploitation of labor are a few of the ways the system of racism and the economic systems are intertwined to keep humanity oppressed. And if by chance anyone is successful in the economic system despite all of the obstacles presented to them, they will be required just as we all are, to oppress others and harm nature to maintain their economic position. This position only serves the hierarchies of the system and highlights what kind of oppression must be carried out. 

Environmental degradation fueled by corporate greed and lack of regulation, harms both people and the natural world. Pollution and climate change disproportionately impact marginalized communities, leading to health problems and displacement. In addition, the loss of biodiversity and natural habitats threatens the delicate balance of ecosystems. With far-reaching implications for the planet. 

Outlined are just a few of the many ways our economic system is harming humanity and nature. There are many more. 

All of these systems of oppression are interconnected and self-reinforcing, all supporting one another to form the Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression.  

For an extensive list of how our Economic System is oppressive, click here.

Political / Judicial 

Our judicial and political systems are among our foundational systems of oppression. Built by the systems of patriarchy and heavily influenced by the oppressive system of religion our judicial systems and political systems serve as a cornerstone of oppression within The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression. 

Our current systems of organizing ourselves as humans are rooted in violence, dehumanization, and oppression. Global political and governance/political systems have been born of the need for control and power at all costs. None of these systems is a life-affirming reflection of what most humans deeply desire - peace, love, and connection. 

The violent undercurrent of this system in particular is extremely harmful to marginalized individuals. BIPOC, women, children, and the socio-economically disadvantaged are at particular risk of suffering and death from this system. On a global scale, the politics of war destroys and desecrates not only human life but nature as well. On a smaller scale, the foundation of patriarchy serves to ensure women and children have no human rights in many countries, including supposed ‘first world’ countries like the US. How is this justice or just in any way? 

Intertwined with the other systems of oppression such as educational and economic, the political and judicial system is one of the most abstract systems for humans to begin to reimagine. Humans who have been harmed by these systems of oppression still have an indoctrinated alliance with these systems of oppression. This alliance stems from the fact that our understanding of the world and the way it works is built in childhood. If we are taught to believe that these systems are in place to help us and not harm us and that they are complicated, we are more likely to relegate this system and the social construct and social agreements/contracts that are political/judicial to the abstract. Because they become abstract they become immovable and unchangeable to our minds pacifying us into forced complacency, which is where many of us are now. 

If you desire to learn more about the complicated relationship and nature of the political/judicial system within The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression, click here.


Created by the patriarchal system as a means of mental, emotional, and spiritual control, religion has brought both comfort and peace to individuals and terror and suffering to the collective. 

Steeped in a history of violence and power, almost all current religions have been formed as a means of control. During this time of human history, humans are leaving religion en masse and have coined the term “deconstructing” for the process that follows leaving organized religion. 

Created by and for power-hungry men, religion has outgrown any usefulness it has had in the past and must be recognized as a destructive means of control and violence. 

Every day there is a new scandal listing the perverse ways yet another person has decided to abuse their positions of power and enact violence on others. 

To learn more about the ways religion is one of The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression, click here.


The medical system, while supposedly designed to promote health and wellness, is rooted in oppressive education and has an oppressive patriarchal history that has led to oppressive practices and outcomes. 

This includes patriarchal and sexist practices that have prioritized men's health over women's, as well as racist theories and practices that have harmed people of color. The medical system lacks a Mind-Body-Spirit approach and does not provide adequate holistic care. 

Additionally, the medical system has been designed to serve the needs of those with power and privilege, leading to significant barriers to access for marginalized communities. The profit-driven nature of the system has also led to a prioritization of profit over patient well-being. Private funding of medical advances assures that only a few make decisions for the rest of society. Studies and research for human health and wellness are riddled with the corruption and violence of the economic system. And for good reason, a physically and mentally ill society does not have the internal resources to seek liberation from oppressive systems. 

The medical system, as with all the systems within The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression, is deeply intertwined with the other systems of oppression as  

To learn more about the role of the medical system within The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression, click here.


Race is a more recent social construct or social agreement/contract that was created to justify the dominance of certain groups over others. The concept of race was developed reportedly during the Enlightenment period in Europe when scientists and philosophers sought to categorize and rank different groups of people based on physical characteristics. This led to the development of racial hierarchies that placed white Europeans at the top and people of color at the bottom, justifying colonialism, slavery, and other forms of exploitation and oppression.

The creation of race was created to reinforce and maintain the patriarchal system, as it helped to maintain male dominance and privilege. White men were able to use their position at the top of the racial hierarchy to accumulate wealth and power, while women and people of color were marginalized and oppressed. This system of race and patriarchy has had profound and lasting impacts on society, shaping everything from economic opportunities to political power to social relationships.

The system of race not only harms humans but also harms nature. The exploitation of natural resources and the environment has often been justified by the belief that certain races are entitled to dominate and control nature. This has led to environmental injustices, such as the disproportionate exposure of marginalized communities to pollution and other environmental hazards.

The system of race creates division and inequality, which benefits those in power by maintaining their position and preventing collective action for social change. By pitting different racial groups against each other, those in power can divert attention away from systemic injustices and maintain their dominance.

To learn more about the role of the racial system within The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression, click here.

Structured Sexism

The system of Structured Sexism, also known as patriarchy is a system of male dominance. It has had profound and long-standing negative effects on humanity and the natural world. It is the foundation on which all of our systems of oppression are built upon. It is found intertwined with every other deadly system of oppression. 

It is insidious because of all the ways humans have been socialized to internalize it.

 It has caused widespread harm to women, men, children, and the natural world. Women have borne the brunt of patriarchal systems for centuries, facing gender-based violence, economic inequality, limited access to education and healthcare, dehumanization, and the devaluation of their contributions. 

Men have also been harmed by Structured Sexism, the most obvious way is that it promotes toxic relational behaviors and limits their ability to form deep, intimate relationships.

Structured Sexism perpetuates cycles of oppression in addition to cycles of abuse and trauma, with children learning harmful gender stereotypes and witnessing and experiencing violence within their families. This has lasting impacts on their mental, emotional, and physical health, and limits their opportunities and potential.

 The natural world has also suffered greatly because of Structured Sexism, as it has contributed to the exploitation and degradation of the natural world, leading to environmental crises such as extinction, deforestation, and pollution.

The system of Structured Sexism not only promotes and supports dehumanization and death, it thrives and feeds off of dehumanization and death. Structured Sexism and all of the systems of oppression are vultures of culture.

It is important to recognize that Structured Sexism is not inevitable or immutable. By challenging the deadly patriarchal systems and enacting new social agreements/contracts, we can work towards liberation for all.

To learn more about the role of the system of Structured Sexism within The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression, click here.

Trinity of Terror

The Trinity of Terror is the 3 major tools that are used to uphold and enforce the 7 Deadly Systems of Oppression. 

The three major tools used are MONEY, SHAME, and VIOLENCE. 

Money as a Tool of Terror

Money, while often viewed as a harmless medium of exchange, has also been wielded as a powerful tool for oppression and terror. Money is a social construct. It, in and of itself, does not have inherent value. It has value because we collectively agree that it has value. 

In modern times money equals power and the ability to achieve, dominate, and lead. 

In most societies, money is concentrated in the hands of a few, leading to a vast gulf between the wealthy and the poor. This unequal distribution of wealth results in increased poverty, homelessness, social unrest, and death.

The burden of poverty on a human being's mental, emotional, and physical health is toxic and deadly. 

The influence of money extends to the political realm, where large corporations and wealthy individuals can use their financial might to sway political decisions and gain access to resources. This furthers their interests, always at the expense of marginalized communities and the environment.

On a global scale, economic sanctions are used to punish or coerce countries into compliance with the demands of other governments or entities. These sanctions have devastating consequences for the innocent people of the targeted countries, causing suffering and hardship, a form of terror. 

The dark side of money is further revealed in criminal activities such as money laundering and corporate terror financing. Wealthy individuals and organizations regularly use money laundering to conceal the origins of illegally obtained money, enabling them to continue their illicit activities. They use their money to finance their operations and spread their messages of hate and violence.

Overall, the influence of money extends far beyond simple economic transactions. It is being used as a tool of terror to perpetuate violence and inequality as well as fund corporate and governmental criminal activities which fuel fear and instability. 

We must begin to redefine what the symbol of money means to us collectively and create new social agreements/contracts to become in right relationship with money as part of our social construct.

Shame as a Tool of Terror

Shame is a powerful and painful feeling rooted in the emotion of guilt. 

It is not just a personal experience, but also a social and political phenomenon. It is a tool used for oppression, control, and marginalization. 

At the individual level, people can be shamed for their appearance, background, beliefs, or actions, leading to feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem.

 At the cultural level, certain groups or cultures may be stigmatized and shamed, reinforcing dominant narratives and maintaining power structures.

Institutions such as governments, schools, and workplaces also use shame to control individuals who do not conform to their norms, leading to a culture of fear and silence. 

Shame-based language and communication styles are the foundational relational structures in place used to control and silence us as individuals and groups, resulting in long-term physical and psychological impacts.

Recognizing the harmful impacts of shame as a tool of terror, violence, and control is crucial in building a compassionate and just society. 

By rooting out our own internalized shame and engaging in healthy, respectful, and conscious communication styles we can create supportive communities so collectively we can eliminate the use of shame as a tool of oppression and actively create an empathetic and inclusive world.

Violence as a Tool of Terror

Violence, in its various forms, has long been used as a means of exerting power and control. It is the preferred tool of the system of patriarchy. 

In our current society, violence continues to be a weapon of oppression and terror, as well as a way to maintain hierarchies and injustices. Violence takes many forms and affects all levels of society. From the use of force by state authorities, domestic abuse and intimate partner violence, as well as economic exploitation and deprivation, violence is pervasive and effective.

Sexual violence is particularly heinous and unfortunately pervasive. It is used to break the human spirit and exact dehumanization through the domination over another human. Sexual violence takes many forms, from the subtle and unconscious to the unconscionable. All of it seemingly varying levels of acceptable within The Seven Deadly Systems of Oppression as our "justice systems" do nothing to prevent violence, and rarely prosecute predators. 

The pervasiveness of violence extends even to the way we communicate, with violent and aggressive language being used to intimidate, marginalize, and oppress being the norm. Violent communication and relational behavior are the acculturated standards for humanity during modern times. 

The history of violence is at the root of patriarchy, a deadly system of male dominance that has persisted through the use of war, conquest, and domination. This has led to deep-rooted inequalities and discrimination against women and other marginalized groups, further perpetuating a culture of violence.

To address this complex issue, we must root out internalized violence and challenge systems of oppression while participating in healthy and respectful relationships so we can co-create a peaceful and just society.

 Liberation from violence in all its forms is needed to achieve personal and collective liberation. This requires a multifaceted approach that prioritizes empathy, compassion, and a commitment to our individual and collective work. Only through a deep understanding of the roots and consequences of violence can we work towards a more peaceful and equitable world.

Now that we understand our obstacles to Liberation , how do we move forward? How do we collectively opt out of these systems?



Education - Liberation Work

The Trinity of Transformation is a body of Liberation Work rooted in Love that encompasses inner awareness and exploration as well as outer application that allows humans to connect deeply with their own system of natural organized intelligence, intuition, and empathy. It is an embodied Mind-Body-Spirit approach to navigating life as humans in a deeply oppressive society. The Trinity of Transformation goes beyond being a “Masterclass or Course”, it is a way of relating to oneself and the world in ways that are personally transformational and can lead to collective transformation in the ways humanity needs at this time. 

The Trinity of Transformation begins with a series of six videos. We take a deep dive into the foundational principles of the Liberation Work’s transformative power. We include powerful somatic exercises and education along with new perspectives on how to manage mental and emotional wellness, anxiety, stress, and interpersonal relationships.

We share about our foundational communication style, Conscious Communication as an effective way to manage internal and external dialogue. We teach about owning our personal power through creating new Social Agreements/Contracts with ourselves and each other. We empower you to begin a life of Intentional Investment through Conscious Choice and Conscious Divestment. We offer tools and resources for you to get started on your own Liberation Path.

Our video series allows you to find out if the Liberation Work is a fit for you and if you want to join the collection of Liberationists committed to the work of enacting change on all levels. 

To sign up for The Trinity of Transformation Liberation Work, click here.


Upon completion of our Trinity of Transformation WelCum Series you will be invited to join our exclusive online Cummunity.

 It is a sacred and safe space to practice new skills, gain new insight, and develop personally and relationally. 

The Cummunity includes access to exclusive educational content that goes in depth into somatics, emotions and feelings, mental wellness, and so much more. Our Cummunity also offers access to  weekly peer support gatherings, book groups, and discounted Empathic Listening Sessions. 

To sign up for The Trinity of Transformation Liberation Work, click here.


We believe it is the nature of humans is to act when being harmed. Upon having a full understanding of our obstacles to Liberation and the possibilities The Trinity of Transformation provides,  we offer further education in addition to access to a cummunity as well as tools and resources. 

Within our cummunity we are supported to work to apply, enact, and embody our education personally and within our larger communities

We commit to practicing Conscious Divestment and Intentional Investment

We work to adopt new Social Contracts/Agreements individually and collectively.

You can learn more about Social Contracts/Agreements, Conscious Divestment, and Intentional Investment HERE.

To sign up for The Trinity of Transformation Liberation Work, click here.

"Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals." - MARGARET MEADE